A boy and his dog - remote learningAt the end of this remote half-term I have to say a huge thank you. Thank you to all of our staff for their unwavering commitment to our students; thank you to the students themselves for all of their hard work, optimism and resilience; and thank you to our parents and carers for dealing so brilliantly with another period of homeschooling whilst balancing the demands of their jobs and many other commitments. It has been a team effort and the week’s break is well-deserved for everyone.

The final thank you is for all the parents and carers who have completed our survey on the remote learning experience, which closed yesterday afternoon. I will provide some feedback once we’ve looked at the responses in detail over the break, when we will be planning for any changes or tweaks we need to implement in the weeks to come.

Of course our sincere hope is that students can return to school as soon as is possible and we look forward to the announcement of the plan on Monday 22nd February. In whatever shape or form it takes, we are eager to have our school back together again when the time is judged to be right.

In the meantime, please do read the House Newsletter if you have a moment and thank you again for everyone’s support for our school community during these very chilly early months of 2021